Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Welcome to Oaks Candy Station

                          Welcome to everything sweet and colorful!!!

I have always had very sweet tooth and never out grew my cravings for candies, cupcakes and sweet things. I must confess I had my fair share of visits to the dentist whilst growing up. But certainly these visits never deterred me from always having more candy.  Fast forward to my adulthood and I still love candy however, I have been able to channel these candy/sweet tooth love into a entrepreneurial venture - Oaks Candy Station. 

Oaks Candy Station is a premier confectionery designer that creates Candy Buffets for all occasions. A Candy Buffet is the special ingredient that is missing from your memorable affair. Imagine a table filled with your favorite sweets, chocolate, desserts and drinks all designed to coordinate with your beautiful backdrops and decor, while providing your guests with a sweet filled trip back to their childhood roots.

In future posts I will be showcasing the various events we have catered to. 

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